UPG 2018年度颁奖晚宴-美国∙新奥尔良

作者:      2018年11月17日

​2018 Yearly Reward to Executive Team in New Orleans


Since Turnspire acquired UPG in 2016, the key objective is to continue the revenue/profit growth and enlarge and diversify the customer base.

临近年底,UPG公司于美国新奥尔良举行公司高层执行会议,期间UPG CEO Maurice仍不忘盛情宴请执行团队各个成员,举行了温暖的团队建设和隆重的颁奖晚宴。

Before yearend, taking the opportunity of Executive meeting and budget meeting, maurice never forget a warm team building with a nice nice team dinner together.

UPG 年度获奖名单如下:Please see the following rewards got.
江燕—年度最佳新人奖Yan-Rookie of the Year

主要贡献 Key achievement:



Upgrade the organization, rebuild sales, marketing and technical team, regain customer trust, develop new opportunities and move on enlarge the customer base with clear strategy plan, deep dive market competition in OEM automotive, starting to searching medical and datacenter new targets.



Andrew-Rookie of the Year and Our Favorite Cop

主要贡献 Key achievement:


Set up finance structure reporting system and enhance the team in Houston, wales and Suzhou. Well bridge the business and board member .



Gary-Mr Margin Award

主要贡献 Key achievement:


Explore new oil industry customers, Schlumberger from almost nothing to $6 million, plus.


Phil- 年度最佳销售奖

Phil -Six Million Dollar Man

主要贡献 Key achievement:

成功赢得客户IBM 的青睐, 拿下IBM超600 万美金的订单,使得IBM 成为UPG 公司VIP客户,并且不断加强和IBM 多范围多部门多产品多区域的合作。

Developing IBM from nothing into a huge customer >$6 million account. Working with multiple Divisions of IBM on multiple products and multiple sites.


Sandy- 年度最佳业绩奖

Sandy- Fantastic Results Award

主要贡献 Key achievement:


Maintain the factory, all the delivery on time, initiate the Houston expansion plan. Got Fantastic Results Award for having the most fantastic performance in 2018. Record sales, margins and profits.


Freddy- UPG最具创新奖 和年度最佳专业技术奖

Freddy – UPG Master Inventor Award and Mad Professor Award

主要贡献 Key achievement:

协助完成Skywalker and Wildcat 项目的实现与量产,并在业余时间开发Mini Z。坚持不断的做我们最为狂热的科学家。

For completing Skywalker and Wildcat, plus developing Mini Z in his spare time. Continuing to be our mad scientist.

让我们回味一下CEO Maurice 一直强调的“最大的竞争优势是有凝聚力的管理团队。”Let us repeat: CEO Maurice’s word

“The biggest competitive advantage is a cohesive management team.”


“Let us reward what we have done and move on goal 2019 and 5 years strategy.”

Word from Yan-UPG Suzhou GM.


“What we have achieved in Suzhou, the highly committed, motivated and passionate local management team has been contributing all on it. Let us keep this spirit and entrepreneurship to develop growth together.”


Suzhou team will also benefit from the business won from global team. Please look forward to Suzhou’s reward list!


2018年 11月10 日


Yan Jiang